Martin Jørgensen - Kids


Martin Jørgensen Kids is a collection of illustrations/posters created specifically for children, or at least primarily for them. Martin is an artist who has spent many years working with design, advertising, and illustration. He loves creating quirky yet comforting environments. Art should be accessible to everyone, and it should be at eye level for children as well. It’s meant to stand out, as long as it inspires and brings joy. Martin has illustrated several children's books, which has deepened his appreciation for the world of children's art. Children are important, and so is art for children.

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Creatues Playtime — Art print by Martin Jørgensen - Kids from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Martin Jørgensen - Kids
Creatues Playtime
À partir de 249,00 kr
Available in 3 sizes

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Egg — Art print by Martin Jørgensen - Kids from Poster & Frame
A3 70x100 50x70
Martin Jørgensen - Kids
À partir de 249,00 kr
Available in 3 sizes

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Afskyelig snemand — Art print by Martin Jørgensen - Kids from Poster & Frame
A3 70x100 50x70
Martin Jørgensen - Kids
Afskyelig snemand
À partir de 249,00 kr
Available in 3 sizes

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Loch Ness — Art print by Martin Jørgensen - Kids from Poster & Frame
A3 70x100 50x70
Martin Jørgensen - Kids
Loch Ness
À partir de 249,00 kr
Available in 3 sizes

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Sammenkomst — Art print by Martin Jørgensen - Kids from Poster & Frame
A3 70x100 50x70
Martin Jørgensen - Kids
À partir de 249,00 kr
Available in 3 sizes

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UFO — Art print by Martin Jørgensen - Kids from Poster & Frame
A3 70x100 50x70
Martin Jørgensen - Kids
À partir de 249,00 kr
Available in 3 sizes

Martin Jørgensen Kids

Martin Jørgensen Kids is a collection of illustrations/posters created specifically for children, or at least primarily for them. Martin is an artist who has spent many years working with design, advertising, and illustration. He loves creating quirky yet comforting environments. Art should be accessible to everyone, and it should be at eye level for children as well. It’s meant to stand out, as long as it inspires and brings joy. Martin has illustrated several children's books, which has deepened his appreciation for the world of children's art. Children are important, and so is art for children.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.