
Buy your art right

Over 8000 selected posters

Poster & Frame is a poster store with roots in Scandinavia. Here you will find posters; posters with illustrations, paintings, graphics and photographs made by renowned artists from around the world. We hand-pick every single art piece from the many artists and make sure that you get exclusive posters in quality print for your home or workplace. In Poster & Frame, we stand out from other poster stores in that each order is produced individually. In this way, we keep paper consumption low and sustainability high. Whereas other stores have stock of posters and posters that will eventually be damaged. We make sure that you as a customer get a new print to hang on your wall - fresh from print. Poster & Frame was established in 2018, and the team behind it consists of passionate art lovers with experience from the Danish design and advertising industry.

Support the artists

Buy art the right way

We collaborate with talented artists from all over the world. Ranging from reputable studios to new, talented artists. The most important thing for all of us is to create beautiful art prints that adorn the wall and can be held off for many, many years. We believe in the original art, which is why, as a fixed part of our concept, we pay royalties to all our artists.
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Poster & Frame — The Journal

Poster art

Poster art

Poster art On this page you will find a wide selection of poster art that can create personality in your home. The assortment offers more than 6,00...

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