Studio MAM

Studio MAM wird gegründet und geleitet von Marlyse Alexandra Mertz, einer ursprünglich aus den USA stammenden Textil- und Oberflächendesignerin mit Sitz in Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Seit ihrem Abschluss in Textildesign an der Philadelphia University arbeitet Marlyse als freiberufliche Textildesignerin sowohl für die Mode- als auch für die Inneneinrichtungsbranche. Ihre Arbeit ist eine Mischung aus vielen verschiedenen Disziplinen und Techniken. Sie kreiert sowohl einfache als auch kräftige Muster mit der Mischung aus grafischen und handgezeichneten Motiven, die sich durch die Verwendung verspielter und unerwarteter Farbkombinationen und Muster auszeichnen.


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Grid — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 100x140
Studio MAM
À partir de €89,00
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Daisy Grid — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 100x140
Studio MAM
À partir de €51,00
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Grid Collection — No 1 — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70
Studio MAM
Gittersammlung – Nr. 1
À partir de €51,00
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Grid Collection — No 3 — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70
Studio MAM
Gittersammlung – Nr. 3
À partir de €51,00
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Grid Collection — No 4 Black — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 70x100
Studio MAM
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Grid Collection — No 4 Cornflower — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70
Studio MAM
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Grid Collection — No 4 Lime — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70
Studio MAM
Gitterkollektion – Nr. 4 Kalk
À partir de €51,00
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Grid Collection — No 2 — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70
Studio MAM
Gittersammlung – Nr. 2
À partir de €51,00
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Colorblock 3 — A — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Farbblock 3 – A
À partir de €32,00
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Stack Teal — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Stapel Blaugrün
À partir de €32,00
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Stack Sky — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Himmel stapeln
À partir de €32,00
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Monstera Teal — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Monstera Blaugrün
À partir de €32,00
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Monstera Rust — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Monstera Rost
À partir de €32,00
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Monstera Pistachio — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Monstera Pistazien
À partir de €32,00
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Monstera Black — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Monstera Schwarz
À partir de €32,00
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Koi Red — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Koi Rot
À partir de €32,00
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Koi Pink — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
À partir de €32,00
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Colorblock 5 Pistachio — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Farbblock 5 Pistazie
À partir de €32,00
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Colorblock 5 Lilac — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Farbblock 5 Flieder
À partir de €32,00
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Colorblock 4 — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 70x100
Studio MAM
Farbblock 4
À partir de €32,00
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Colorblock 3b — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Farbblock 3b
À partir de €32,00
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Colorblock 2 — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Farbblock 2
À partir de €32,00
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Colorblock 1 — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Farbblock 1
À partir de €32,00
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Arch Lilac — Art print by Studio MAM from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Studio MAM
Bogen Flieder
À partir de €32,00
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Studio MAM

Studio MAM is founded and led by Marlyse Alexandra Mertz, a textile and surface pattern designer originally from the USA, and based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Since graduating from Philadelphia University with a degree in Textile Design, Marlyse has been working as a freelance textile designer, for both the fashion and interior industries. Her work is a mixture of many different disciplines and techniques. She creates both simple and bold patterns with the mixture of graphic and hand drawn motifs, characterized by the use of playful and unexpected color combinations and patterning throughout.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.