Kleine Waren

Tiny Goods steht für all die kleinen Dinge, die das Leben schöner machen:Der Geschmack frisch gepflückter Kirschen, ein goldener Sonnenstrahl am späten Abend, die Freude, das vierblättrige Kleeblatt zu finden, das aufregende Grollen eines vorbeiziehenden Dampfes Zug.

Tiny Goods ist ein Designstudio, das in Kopenhagen, Dänemark, gegründet wurde und sich auf den wunderbaren Arbeitsbereich von Produkten für Babys und Kinder einschließlich Mode, Interieur und Spielzeug konzentriert. Mit meinen Designs möchte ich Kindern die Augen für eine fantasievolle Welt öffnen und Produkte herstellen, die auch für Eltern angenehm sind.

Meine selbst gezeichneten Poster sind inspiriert von meinem Alltag mit zwei Söhnen, ihrem Weltbild und meinen eigenen Kindheitserinnerungen. Das Ergebnis ist eine sich entwickelnde Sammlung von Kinderpostern , meist in sanften Aquarellfarben mit einem Hauch von Nostalgie.

Alle Tiny Goods werden mit viel Liebe hergestellt!

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Rasmus Klump no. 01 — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
70x100 100x140 50x70 60x80 30x40 40x50 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
Rasmus Klump no. 01
À partir de €19,00
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Ved stranden — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 50x70 40x50 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
Ved stranden
À partir de €19,00
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Venner — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
70x100 100x140 50x70 60x80 40x50 30x40 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Fødselsdag på Mary — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 50x70 40x50 30x40 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
Fødselsdag på Mary
À partir de €19,00
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Fødselsdagskage — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 60x80 70x100 40x50 50x70 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Fødselsdagsbord — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 50x70 40x50 30x40 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Pilskaden Blæk — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 40x50 30x40 50x70 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
Pilskaden Blæk
À partir de €19,00
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Rasmus Klump no. 02 — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 50x70 60x80 40x50 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
Rasmus Klump no. 02
À partir de €19,00
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Rasmus Klump no. 03 — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 60x80 50x70 70x100 30x40 40x50 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
Rasmus Klump no. 03
À partir de €19,00
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Snavsedag — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 50x70 60x80 40x50 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Vennerne på Mary — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 50x70 60x80 30x40 40x50 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
Vennerne på Mary
À partir de €19,00
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September — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 50x70 40x50 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Sommer — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 50x70 60x80 70x100 30x40 40x50 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Fødselsdag — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
70x100 100x140 60x80 50x70 40x50 30x40 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Rasmus & Pingo — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 50x70 40x50 30x40 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
Rasmus & Pingo
À partir de €19,00
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Spring — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 40x50 50x70 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Venner no. 02 — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 50x70 40x50 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
Venner no. 02
À partir de €19,00
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Alle vennerne — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 40x50 50x70 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
Alle vennerne
À partir de €19,00
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Skæg — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
70x100 100x140 40x50 60x80 50x70 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Rasmus og Mille — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 50x70 60x80 40x50 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
Rasmus og Mille
À partir de €19,00
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Fødselsdagsparade — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 60x80 70x100 50x70 40x50 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Vinter — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 40x50 60x80 50x70 30x40 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Regnvejr — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 60x80 50x70 30x40 40x50 A4 A3
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Tømmerflåde — Art print by Rasmus Klump from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 40x50 30x40 60x80 50x70 A3 A4
Rasmus Klump
À partir de €19,00
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Tiny Goods

Tiny Goods is a Copenhagen-based design studio dedicated to celebrating the small, joyful moments in life—whether it's the taste of fresh cherries, the golden glow of evening sunlight, or the thrill of spotting a four-leaf clover. Founded with a focus on creating beautiful, high-quality products for babies and children, Tiny Goods offers a delightful range of fashion, interior decor, and toys that spark imagination and joy.

The studio’s hand-drawn poster collection, crafted with care and a nostalgic touch, draws inspiration from the founder's everyday life with her two sons, their unique view of the world, and her own cherished childhood memories. These posters often feature soft-toned watercolor illustrations that bring warmth and whimsy to any space, designed to enchant children while adding charm for parents as well.

At Tiny Goods, every product is made with love and a commitment to creating thoughtful, timeless pieces that bring a little more magic into daily life.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.