Maris Moons

Im abstrakten Raum des Kreises interpretiert Maris Moons die energetischen Eigenschaften der Kristalle und kombiniert moderne Spiritualität mit einer bodenständigen und grausamkeitsfreien Herangehensweise an Kunst. Die Aquarelle sind vegan und bestehen aus natürlichen Pigmenten aus pulverisierten Kristallen und natürlichem Gummi arabicum aus Akazienbäumen. Sie sind auf hochwertigem 100% Baumwollpapier 300 g / m2 ohne Gelatine lackiert und die Pinsel sind ohne echtes Haar. Gedruckt auf 265 g Freja-Kunstpapier.

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Whispering Clouds 4 — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Flüsternde Wolken 4
À partir de €51,00
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Whispering Clouds 1 — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Flüsternde Wolken 1
À partir de €51,00
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Two Grey — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Zwei Grau
À partir de €51,00
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Transformation 2 — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Verwandlung 2
À partir de €51,00
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Whispering Clouds 5 — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Flüsternde Wolken 5
À partir de €51,00
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Horizon — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
À partir de €51,00
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Five Rose — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Fünf Rosen
À partir de €51,00
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Transformation 1 — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Verwandlung 1
À partir de €51,00
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Eight Green — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Acht Grün
À partir de €51,00
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Connection — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
À partir de €51,00
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Whispering Clouds 3 — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Flüsternde Wolken 3
À partir de €51,00
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Whispering Clouds 2 — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
Flüsternde Wolken 2
À partir de €51,00
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Three — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
À partir de €51,00
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Six — Art print by Maris Moons from Poster & Frame
40x50 30x40
Maris Moons
À partir de €51,00
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Maris Moons

Within the abstract space of the circle Maris Moons interprets the energetic qualities of the crystals and combines modern spirituality with a down to earth and cruelty free approach to Art. The watercolors are vegan and consists of natural pigments from pulverized crystals and natural gum arabic from acacia trees. They are painted on high quality 100% cotton paper 300g/m2 without gelatin and the brushes are without real hair. Printed on 265g fine art Freja paper.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art correctly at Poster & Frame.