Iga Illustrationen

Iga Illustrations ist der Name eines Illustrationsprojekts von Iga Kosicka, einer polnischen Illustratorin und Kunsthistorikerin aus Kopenhagen. Ihr kunsthistorischer Hintergrund zeigt sich sehr deutlich in ihren Werken, da sie sich häufig auf klassische Kompositionen und Themen wie Stillleben oder Antiquitäten bezieht. Sie kreiert mit handgefertigten Stilen wie Aquarellen, Gouache und Acryl.

“Ich arbeite langsam und bewusst, was meinem Temperament am besten entspricht. Wenn ich male, konzentriere ich mich darauf, einen Moment der Stille und Stimmung festzuhalten, der sonst unbemerkt bleiben würde. Meine Illustrationen sind von alltäglichen Situationen und Lebewesen inspiriert, aber mit helleren und lebendigeren Farben gemalt.”


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Black Cat — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x50 30x30
Iga Kosicka
Black Cat
À partir de €36,00
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Feminists — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
A4 A2 30x40 50x70 A3
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €26,00
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Cat Likes Fish — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
Cat Likes Fish
À partir de €36,00
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Cat Likes Grapes — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
Cat Likes Grapes
À partir de €36,00
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Dalmatian — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €36,00
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Dog and Fashion — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
Dog and Fashion
À partir de €36,00
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Dog Collection — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
Dog Collection
À partir de €36,00
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Dog Days — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
A3 A2 50x70 30x40
Iga Kosicka
Dog Days
À partir de €36,00
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French Cat — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x50 30x30
Iga Kosicka
French Cat
À partir de €36,00
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Fruits — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €36,00
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Ice Baby — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
Ice Baby
À partir de €36,00
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Peking — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €36,00
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Sleeping Cat — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
Sleeping Cat
À partir de €36,00
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Sunglasses — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €36,00
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Swimmers — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 A3 A2
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €36,00
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Waiting Dogs — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
A3 A2 50x70 30x40
Iga Kosicka
Waiting Dogs
À partir de €36,00
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Fruits — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
Iga Kosicka
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Dachshunds — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 A3 30x40
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €36,00
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Lemon Law — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x70 A2 A4 A3
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €26,00
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Shadow 3 — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
30x40 A3 A2 50x70
Iga Kosicka
Schatten 3
À partir de €36,00
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Shadow 2 — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
A3 A2 50x70 30x40
Iga Kosicka
Schatten 2
À partir de €36,00
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Shadow 1 — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
A3 A2 50x70 30x40
Iga Kosicka
Schatten 1
À partir de €36,00
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Summerchair — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
50x50 30x30
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €26,00
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Twins — Art print by Iga Kosicka from Poster & Frame
A3 A2 50x70 30x40
Iga Kosicka
À partir de €36,00
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Iga Kosicka

"I work slowly and consciously, which suits my temperament best. When I paint, I focus on capturing a moment of stillness and mood that otherwise would go unnoticed. My illustrations are inspired by everyday situations and living creatures but painted with brighter and more vivid colors." - Iga Kosicka

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art correctly at Poster & Frame.