
Fōmu- Illustrationen sind von Lene Tholstrup som bosiddende in Silkeborg gezeichnet. Hun arbejder udelukkende med digital grafisk kunst. Siden hun var barn har ehemalige og farver fyldt meget og hun har arbejdet professionelt med grafisk design fra sin tid i møbel- og arkitektbranchen. Lene har en stor passion for det visuelle og elsker bei sammensætte farver, mønstrer og texturer. Stilen der kendetegner hendes værker, er det abstrakte udtryk og enkeltheden i de organiske- og geometriske ehemals. Hendes billeder passer fint ind i de fleste hjem.

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Pyjamas man wine — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 50x70
Fomu illustrations
Pyjamas man wine
À partir de €70,00
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Sitting man — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x100 70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
Sitting man
À partir de €55,00
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In love with juice — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
50x70 A3
Fomu illustrations
In love with juice
À partir de €19,00
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Pyjamas mænd 1 — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x100 70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
Pyjamas mænd 1
À partir de €55,00
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Carmen — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70
Fomu illustrations
À partir de €70,00
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Men behind table — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x100 70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
Men behind table
À partir de €55,00
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Pyjamas mænd 2 — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x100 70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
Pyjamas mænd 2
À partir de €55,00
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In love with hotdogs — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
50x70 A3
Fomu illustrations
In love with hotdogs
À partir de €19,00
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The lungs — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
Fomu illustrations
The lungs
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Woman and mountain — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 50x70
Fomu illustrations
Woman and mountain
À partir de €70,00
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De uperfekte — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 50x70
Fomu illustrations
De uperfekte
À partir de €70,00
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Man on ball — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x100 70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
Man on ball
À partir de €55,00
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In love with tomatoes — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
50x70 A3
Fomu illustrations
In love with tomatoes
À partir de €19,00
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The heart — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
Fomu illustrations
The heart
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Multi color abstract — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
Fomu illustrations
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Man with balls — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x100 70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
Man with balls
À partir de €55,00
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Pendel — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40 A3
Fomu illustrations
À partir de €19,00
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Pyjamas man glasses — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x140 70x100 50x70
Fomu illustrations
Pyjamas man glasses
À partir de €70,00
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The band — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x100 70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
The band
À partir de €55,00
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Hasan — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
À partir de €55,00
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Pyjamas mænd 3 — Art print by Fomu illustrations from Poster & Frame
100x100 70x70 50x50
Fomu illustrations
Pyjamas mænd 3
À partir de €55,00
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Coffee table — Art print by Fōmu illustrations from Poster & Frame
Fōmu illustrations
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Just a nap — Art print by Fōmu illustrations from Poster & Frame
Fōmu illustrations
Just a nap
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Lakse damen — Art print by Fōmu illustrations from Poster & Frame
Fōmu illustrations
Lakse damen
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Fōmu illustrations

Fōmu illustrations are crafted by Lene Tholstrup, based in Silkeborg. Specializing in digital graphic art, Lene has had a lifelong fascination with shapes and colors. With a background in graphic design from her time in the furniture and architecture industries, she brings a professional touch to her work. Lene’s passion for the visual world shines through in her love for blending colors, patterns, and textures. Her style is defined by abstract expressions and the simplicity of organic and geometric shapes, making her artwork a perfect addition to any home.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art correctly at Poster & Frame.