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Hos Poster & Frame mener vi, at du som køber af plakatkunst skal støtte kunstneren. Derfor siger vi 'Køb din kunst rigtigt' - det er meget enkelt. Vi betaler royalties til vores kunstnere for hvert salg, som understøtter dem økonomisk og sikrer, at cirklen er komplet. Desværre ser vi mange konkurrenter komme ind på markedet og kopiere de originale plakatkunstnere og sælge plakater til 80% af vores detailpriser. Det er med til at undergrave den kreative industri. Med disse ord, så "Køb din kunst rigtigt", og støt kunsten og kunstneren.

Om Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sælger eksklusive plakater skabt af vores talentfulde kunstnere, som er fotografer, designere, malere og illustratorer. Vi har en produktion med en bæredygtig tankegang og udskriver kun til den enkelte ordre-derfor er vores produktion Print-on-demand. Vi tilbyder plakater i alle størrelser, fra A5, A4, A3 til 50x70cm, 70x100cm og 100x140cm. Derudover indrammer vi alle ordrer i håndlavede kvalitetsrammer fra Italien. Vi understøtter den originale plakatkunst og betaler royalties til alle vores kunstnere - køb din kunst korrekt hos Poster & Frame

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Meet Me At Jaures — Art print by The Poster Club x Sofia Lind from Poster & Frame
50x50 100x100
The Poster Club x Sofia Lind
Meet Me At Jaures
Fra 589,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 2 størrelser

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The Togo — Art print by The Poster Club x Hanna Peterson from Poster & Frame
A4 30x40 40x50 50x70 70x100 100x140
The Poster Club x Hanna Peterson
The Togo
Fra 320,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 6 størrelser

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You — Art print by The Poster Club x Sofia Lind from Poster & Frame
30x40 50x70 70x100
The Poster Club x Sofia Lind
Fra 369,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Still Waiting — Art print by The Poster Club x Sofia Lind from Poster & Frame
30x40 50x70 70x100
The Poster Club x Sofia Lind
Still Waiting
Fra 369,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Mama — Art print by Frohline from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 70x100 50x70 100x140
Fra 299,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 6 størrelser

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Bleu — Art print by The Poster Club x Lucrecia Rey Caro from Poster & Frame
A4 30x40 50x70 70x100
The Poster Club x Lucrecia Rey Caro
Fra 320,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 4 størrelser

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Årstidernes frugt og grønt — Art print by Simon Holst from Poster & Frame
30x40 50x70
Simon Holst
Tilgængelig i 2 størrelser

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Il Limone 01 — Art print by Emilie Luna from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 50x70
Emilie Luna
Il Limone 01
Fra 199,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Blue Stripe At Concorde — Art print by The Poster Club x Sofia Lind from Poster & Frame
30x40 50x70 70x100 100x140
The Poster Club x Sofia Lind
Tilgængelig i 4 størrelser

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Vin à Paris — Art print by Gustav Lautrup from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Gustav Lautrup
Vin à Paris
Fra 249,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 2 størrelser

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La Liberté De Copenhague - 2019 001 — Art print by Poster & Frame - Collection from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 30x40 40x50 50x70 70x100 100x140
Poster & Frame - Collection
Tilgængelig i 8 størrelser

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Soirée — Art print by N. Atelier from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 30x40 40x50 50x70 70x100 100x140
N. Atelier
Fra 199,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 8 størrelser

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Ananda 01 — Art print by Arch Atelier from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 30x40 40x50 50x70 70x100 100x140
Arch Atelier
Ananda 01
Fra 99,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 8 størrelser

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Waiting — Art print by The Poster Club x Sofia Lind from Poster & Frame
50x70 70x100 100x140
The Poster Club x Sofia Lind
Fra 669,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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The Ten Largest No. 02 — Art print by Hilma af Klint from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 50x70 70x100
Hilma af Klint
Tilgængelig i 5 størrelser

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Bornholm — Art print by Per Gudmann from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 50x70 70x100
Per Gudmann
Fra 150,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 4 størrelser

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Danish Sayings — Grå — Art print by Dialægt from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 50x70 70x100
Tilgængelig i 4 størrelser

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Matin Dete — Art print by N. Atelier from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 30x40 40x50 50x70 70x100 100x140
N. Atelier
Matin Dete
Fra 199,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 8 størrelser

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Non Arte Grafica 01 — Art print by The Poster Club x Nynne Rosenvinge from Poster & Frame
50x70 70x100
The Poster Club x Nynne Rosenvinge
Non Arte Grafica 01
Fra 669,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 2 størrelser

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Scape — Art print by N. Atelier from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 30x40 40x50 50x70 70x100 100x140
N. Atelier
Fra 199,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 8 størrelser

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La Collection Japonaise - 06 — Art print by Arch Atelier from Poster & Frame
A4 A2 A3 30x40 40x50 50x70 70x100 100x140
Arch Atelier
Tilgængelig i 8 størrelser

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Motljus — Art print by The Poster Club x Sandra Blomén Maschinsky from Poster & Frame
30x40 50x70 70x100
The Poster Club x Sandra Blomén Maschinsky
Fra 369,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Il Limone 02 — Art print by Emilie Luna from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 50x70
Emilie Luna
Il Limone 02
Fra 199,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Secret Notes — Art print by The Poster Club x Sofia Lind from Poster & Frame
30x40 50x70 70x100 100x140
The Poster Club x Sofia Lind
Secret Notes
Fra 369,00 kr
Tilgængelig i 4 størrelser
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We do it different...

At Poster & Frame, we believe that as a buyer of poster art, you must support the artist. That's why we say 'Buy your art right' - it's very simple. We pay royalties to our artists for each sale, which supports them financially and ensures that the circle is complete. Unfortunately, we see many competitors enter the market and copy the original poster artists, selling posters at 80% of our retail prices. It helps to undermine the creative industry. With those words, then "Buy your art right", and support the art and the artist.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm, and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art correctly at Poster & Frame.