This graphic design represents the deconstruction of the phrase "Soft heart." It features rectangular shapes that serve as canvases for black line designs resembling geographical maps. One map draws inspiration from the artist's hometown, Nørrebro in Copenhagen, specifically the park Superkilen. The second map resembles a topographical map. However, in an unexpected twist, it incorporates subtle hearts at the center of the contours, emphasizing the notion that being soft-hearted is a position of strength. It symbolizes the courage to lead with empathy, kindness, and vulnerability. Within the context of geographical maps, they illuminate paths of understanding to navigate through the highs and lows of personal and collective journeys. They are guided by genuine concern and compassion for others. The design suggests that in life's ever-changing landscapes, soft-hearted people remain anchored in their capacity for love and compassion
Pina Laux

Soft Heart

Expédition neutre en carbone avec Shopify Planet
Expédition neutre en carbone pour toutes les commandes
This graphic design represents the deconstruction of the phrase "Soft heart." It features rectangular shapes that serve as canvases for black line designs resembling geographical maps. One map draws inspiration from the artist's hometown, Nørrebro in Copenhagen, specifically the park Superkilen. The second map resembles a topographical map. However, in an unexpected twist, it incorporates subtle hearts at the center of the contours, emphasizing the notion that being soft-hearted is a position of strength. It symbolizes the courage to lead with empathy, kindness, and vulnerability. Within the context of geographical maps, they illuminate paths of understanding to navigate through the highs and lows of personal and collective journeys. They are guided by genuine concern and compassion for others. The design suggests that in life's ever-changing landscapes, soft-hearted people remain anchored in their capacity for love and compassion
Soft Heart

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