At the end of Stadion Allé in Aarhus is Ceres Park. This iconic football stadium and sports complex has housed the city's team and pride AGF for over 100 years. The stadium was originally called Aarhus Sports Park and was built in the period 1916-1918 and inaugurated in 1920. Seven years later, the very first official football match was played here, when AGF met Aarhus 1900 on 27 May 1927. From the 1930s onwards, the stadium was gradually expanded and remodeled towards its present appearance. Over the years, Ceres Park has paved the way for many tragedies and triumphs in AGF's proud history, and this arena will always be a second home for everyone who loves "The Whites".
Fans Will Know

Ceres Park - AGF Arena

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At the end of Stadion Allé in Aarhus is Ceres Park. This iconic football stadium and sports complex has housed the city's team and pride AGF for over 100 years. The stadium was originally called Aarhus Sports Park and was built in the period 1916-1918 and inaugurated in 1920. Seven years later, the very first official football match was played here, when AGF met Aarhus 1900 on 27 May 1927. From the 1930s onwards, the stadium was gradually expanded and remodeled towards its present appearance. Over the years, Ceres Park has paved the way for many tragedies and triumphs in AGF's proud history, and this arena will always be a second home for everyone who loves "The Whites".
Ceres Park - AGF Arena

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