"No Stress" by artist Leon Maarten is a unique portrait poster that depicts a body floating in an electric blue abyss, surrounded by vibrant colors. The use of blue and white creates a calming effect, while the colorful accents add an element of excitement. This artwork is available in various sizes, from A5 to 100x140cm, making it perfect for any room. The image of a body floating in water can represent a sense of relaxation and letting go of stress. This poster serves as a reminder to take a step back, breathe, and let go of worries. The use of vibrant colors against the dark background creates a stunning visual contrast that draws the viewer's attention.
Leon Maarten

No stress

Expédition neutre en carbone avec Shopify Planet
Expédition neutre en carbone pour toutes les commandes
"No Stress" by artist Leon Maarten is a unique portrait poster that depicts a body floating in an electric blue abyss, surrounded by vibrant colors. The use of blue and white creates a calming effect, while the colorful accents add an element of excitement. This artwork is available in various sizes, from A5 to 100x140cm, making it perfect for any room. The image of a body floating in water can represent a sense of relaxation and letting go of stress. This poster serves as a reminder to take a step back, breathe, and let go of worries. The use of vibrant colors against the dark background creates a stunning visual contrast that draws the viewer's attention.
No stress

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