Viola Brun

Viola Brun ist ein Kunstdruck- und Grafikstudio mit Sitz in Kopenhagen, Dänemark. Das Studio wird von der Grafikdesignerin und Künstlerin Milene Rose Holm geführt.lm.

Unser charakteristischer Stil ist eine perfekte Kombination aus komplizierten handgezeichneten Motiven und abstrakteren geometrischen Formen. Es ist im Kern skandinavisch, basiert aber auch auf japanischen Designeinflüssen, gemischt mit einem Hauch britischer Charme und einer gewissen französischen Je ne sais pas-Qualität.ais pas” quality.

Jeder Kunstdruck ist eigenständig gestaltet, aber wir stellen fest, dass in der Mischung die wahre Magie geschieht.

Es ist das Ziel von Viola Brun, die Welt mit wunderschönen, poetischen und zeitgenössischen Kunstdrucken zu schmücken, die Sie für immer behalten möchten.ever.

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Hampstead heath — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 50x70
Viola Brun
ab 250,00 kr
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Meraki no. 1 — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 50x70
Viola Brun
Meraki Nr. 1
ab 250,00 kr
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Blackbird — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 50x70
Viola Brun
ab 250,00 kr
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Bird on a branch — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 50x70
Viola Brun
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Yellow — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 A3 A4
Viola Brun
ab 250,00 kr
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The Valley 02 — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 A3 A4
Viola Brun
The Valley 02
ab 250,00 kr
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The Valley 01 — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
A3 A4 70x100 50x70
Viola Brun
The Valley 01
ab 250,00 kr
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Port Hope/By the Lake — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 A3 A4
Viola Brun
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Planche 11 — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 A3 A4
Viola Brun
Planche 11
ab 250,00 kr
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Papilio 01 — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 A3 A4
Viola Brun
Papilio 01
ab 250,00 kr
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Make a Wish 01 — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 A3 A4
Viola Brun
Make a Wish 01
ab 250,00 kr
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Lheritage du temps – Avril — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 A3 A4
Viola Brun
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Blackbird 05 — Art print by Viola Brun from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 A3 A4
Viola Brun
Blackbird 05
ab 250,00 kr
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Viola Brun: A Fine Art Print & Graphic Studio with a Unique Scandinavian Touch

Viola Brun is a distinguished fine art print and graphic studio based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Led by graphic designer and artist Milene Rose Holm, the studio has become renowned for its signature style that blends intricate hand-drawn motifs with abstract geometric forms.

At its core, Viola Brun’s design philosophy is rooted in Scandinavian minimalism, yet it draws inspiration from a variety of cultural influences. The studio’s work incorporates elements of Japanese design, British charm, and a touch of French "Je ne sais pas" – creating a truly unique fusion that is both timeless and contemporary.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.