Jörgen Hansson Art

"Ich verwende beim Erstellen viele verschiedene Techniken und Materialien, was es interessant und inspirierend macht und mir hilft, bei der Erstellung von Bildern oder Skulpturen nicht in einer bestimmten Form zu stagnieren. In meiner Kunst verwende ich Tinte, Stein, Kohle , Holz, Aquarell, Kaltnadel, Acryl, Öl usw. Meistens vereinfache ich Bilder und Formen, bis ich einen Nerv in der Linie oder den Oberflächen bekomme, der sich richtig anfühlt.
Meine Inspiration sind oft Natur und Menschen. "

- Jörgen Hansson

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The Swan ll — Art print by Jörgen Hansson Art from Poster & Frame
30x40 50x70 70x100
Jörgen Hansson Art
Der Schwan ll
ab 350,00 kr
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Sitting woman XV — Art print by Jörgen Hansson Art from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Jörgen Hansson Art
Sitzende Frau XV
ab 350,00 kr
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The Swan l — Art print by Jörgen Hansson Art from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Jörgen Hansson Art
Der Schwan l
ab 350,00 kr
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Sitting woman Xlll — Art print by Jörgen Hansson Art from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Jörgen Hansson Art
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Female lines lll — Art print by Jörgen Hansson Art from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Jörgen Hansson Art
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Female lines l — Art print by Jörgen Hansson Art from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Jörgen Hansson Art
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Female lines ll — Art print by Jörgen Hansson Art from Poster & Frame
30x40 70x100 50x70
Jörgen Hansson Art
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Jörgen Hansson Art

"I use many different techniques and materials when I create, which makes it interesting and inspiring, and it helps me to not stagnate in a certain form in the creation of pictures or sculptures. In my art I use ink, stone, charcoal, wood, watercolor, drypoint, acrylic, oil etc. Most often I simplify pictures and shapes until I get a nerve in the line or the Surfaces that feels right. My inspiration is often nature and people." - Jörgen Hansson

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art correctly at Poster & Frame.