Vera Pawelzik

Vera Pawelzik ist eine geometrisch abstrakte Künstlerin.

Ihre Kunst konzentriert sich auf geometrische Formen und sucht immer nach Balance. Die Farb- und Formideen entstehen gleichzeitig emotional und konzeptionell. Der konsequente spielerische Prozess zwischen System und Intuition prägt ihre Arbeit.Das Ergebnis ist eine geometrisch ausgewogene Komposition, die ein hochgereinigtes Werk von Einfachheit und Harmonie zeigt.


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No. 6 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nr. 6
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No. 2 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nr. 2
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No. 1 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nr. 1
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No. 4 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nummer 4
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No. 3 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nr. 3
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No. 9 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nr. 9
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No. 8 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nr. 8
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No. 7 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nr. 7
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No. 5 — Art print by Vera Pawelzik from Poster & Frame
Vera Pawelzik
Nr. 5
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Vera Pawelzik

Vera Pawelzik is a geometric abstract artist. Her art is focused on geometric shapes and is always seeking for balance. The color and form ideas are arising emotionally and conceptually at the same time. The consistent playful process between system and intuition characterizes her work. The result is a geometrically balanced composition, which shows a highly purified work of simplicity and harmony.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.