Millionstämmiges Interieur

Millionstemning interiør oser af lækkerhed og støtter den modernen spirituellen kvinde i hendes daglige energiarbejde. Millionstemning interiør er til dig der går all in på univers, engle og Intuition. Dit hjem har en afgørende betydning for om du er i stand til at skabe det liv du ønsker. Du skal omgive dig med ting, farver og møbler der giver dig smil på læben. Alt er energi og derfor er den ydre energipåvirkning lige så vigtigt som dit indre energiarbejde. Dine omgivelser styrker din energi og din energi skaber dit liv. Jeg har ikke kun designet en plakat serie til dig, men også skabt energiredskaber til din hverdag.


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Pengefrø violet — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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Pengefrø teracottaorange — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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Pengefrø rustrød — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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Pengefrø mørkeblå — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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Pengefrø gul — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
Pengefrö gul
ab €45,00
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Pengefrø grøn — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
Pengefrö grøn
ab €45,00
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Pengefrø dueblå — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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Balance violet — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
Balance violett
ab €45,00
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Balance teracottaorange — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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Balance rustrød — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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Balance mørkeblå — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
50x70 A3
Millionstemning interiør
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Balance gul — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
ab €45,00
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Balance grøn — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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Balance dueblå — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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1111 violet — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
1111 violett
ab €45,00
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1111 teracottaorange — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
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1111 rustrød — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
1111 Roströd
ab €45,00
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1111 mørkeblå — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
1111 Mörkebla
ab €45,00
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1111 gul — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
1111 gul
ab €45,00
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1111 grøn — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
1111 grøn
ab €45,00
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1111 dueblå — Art print by Millionstemning interiør from Poster & Frame
A3 50x70
Millionstemning interiør
1111 duebla
ab €45,00
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Millionstemning Interiør

Millionstemning Interiør are beautiful spiritual posters for your walls. They were designed by Pernille Brygger, who works daily as an interior stylist. The posters support you in your daily spiritual development. They boost your awareness and connection to the universe they can stimulate your sense of modern interior design, and they can kick start your manifestation energy. Million mood Interior is for you who do not compromise with your awareness and your style. Mix and match - 3 designs - 7 background colors - created the look that matches your style.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.