Nanna Oma

Ich bin ein junger aufstrebender Künstler aus Roskilde. Meine Gemälde sind inspiriert von bunten Machthabern. Einige davon sehe ich in meinem Alltag und andere sind mir begegnet. In beiden Fällen habe ich mich von diesen starken Charakteren inspirieren lassen, die ich als Vorbilder für Frauen und Männer auf der ganzen Welt sehe. Meine Palette ist immer sehr bunt und mit einer eigentümlichen Wendung.


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Unbreakable — Art print by Nanna Grann from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 70x100 50x70
Nanna Grann
ab €26,00
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Mondays with Grandma — Art print by Nanna Grann from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 70x100 50x70
Nanna Grann
Montags bei Oma
ab €26,00
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Stronger than Ever — Art print by Nanna Grann from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 70x100 50x70
Nanna Grann
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Unbreakable — Art print by Nanna Grann from Poster & Frame
Nanna Grann
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Mondays with Grandma — Art print by Nanna Grann from Poster & Frame
Nanna Grann
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The One and Only — Art print by Nanna Grann from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 70x100 50x70
Nanna Grann
Der einzig wahre
ab €26,00
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Nanna Grann

Nanna Grann is a young, aspiring artist from Roskilde, Denmark, whose work is deeply inspired by vibrant individuals of power. Her paintings reflect the dynamic energy of people she encounters in her everyday life, as well as those she has met through her artistic journey. Nanna draws inspiration from these powerful figures, seeing them as role models for both women and men around the world. Known for her distinctive use of color, Nanna's palette is always rich and lively, with a unique twist that adds depth and personality to each piece. Her artwork captures the essence of strength, individuality, and empowerment, making it a true reflection of the diverse and colorful world around her.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.