
Caroline Arnecke ist Keramikkünstlerin und stellt ihre Keramikstücke in ihrem Atelier in Fünen in Dänemark unter dem Namen "Meadow Ceramics" her. Ihre Arbeiten werden in zahlreichen Magazinen und High-End-Läden weltweit vorgestellt. Ihr Wagnis, Kunstwerke für Ihre Wände zu schaffen, ist eine neue Mischung aus Glasur und Fotografie.

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Siren — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
30x40 50x70 70x100
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Green Haze — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
Grüner Dunst
ab €38,00
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Nymphaéa hýbrida I — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 70x100
Meadow Ceramics
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Andromeda — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Paeonia albiflóra I — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
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Campánula Persicifólia — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
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Between Oceans — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
Zwischen Ozeanen
ab €38,00
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Haze — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Lupínus polyphýllus — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
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Dahlia — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Tranquility — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Oasis II — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
Oase II
ab €38,00
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Oasis — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Opulence — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Waves — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Via Lactea II — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
Über Lactea II
ab €38,00
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Via Lactea III — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
Über Lactea III
ab €38,00
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Via Lactea I — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 70x100
Meadow Ceramics
Über Lactea I
ab €38,00
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Verbáscum densiflórum — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
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Papillon — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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Aurora — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
50x70 30x40 70x100
Meadow Ceramics
ab €38,00
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The Muse — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
Die Muse
ab €38,00
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The Ocean — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
Der Ozean
ab €38,00
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The Tide — Art print by Meadow Ceramics from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Meadow Ceramics
Die Gezeiten
ab €38,00
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Meadow Ceramics

Caroline Arnecke is a ceramic artist, making her pieces of ceramics in her studio on Funen in Denmark under the name "Meadow Ceramics". Her work is featured in numerous magazines and high-end stores worldwide. Her venture into making artwork for your walls is a new mix of the art of glazing and photography.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.