Ole Kortzau

Ole Kortzau's iconic poster collection constitutes the essence of his work, both as a visual artist and in his work as an architect and designer. Each and every motif originates from Denmark and through his sensual gaze and refined simplification, he conveys the fascination of the immediate joys, the landscape and culture throughout time - from heart to heart. 


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Sommer — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Danmark dejligst — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Danmark dejligst
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Sommerglæder — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Hvide måge — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Hvide måge
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Cykler cykler cykler — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Vindmølle — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Agersø strand — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Agersø strand
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Prinsessens sovekammer — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Kongens nye cykel — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Kongens nye cykel
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Valmuer ved Kattegat — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Adams og Evas cykler — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Ved vandet — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Ved vandet
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Høj sø — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Høj sø
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Naboens flag — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Naboens flag
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Bænken — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Kapsejlads — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Æbleallé — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Dannebrog til tops — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Ved vejen — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Ved vejen
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Æbler plukkes — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Æbler plukkes
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Ved stranden — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Ved stranden
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Sjælland Rundt — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Sjælland Rundt
Fra €38,00
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

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Køer Ved Vejlerne — Art print by Ole Kortzau from Poster & Frame
70x100 50x70 30x40
Ole Kortzau
Tilgængelig i 3 størrelser

Ole Kortzau

Ole Kortzau's iconic poster collection constitutes the essence of his work, both as a visual artist and in his work as an architect and designer. Each and every motif originates from Denmark and through his sensual gaze and refined simplification, he conveys the fascination of the immediate joys, the landscape and culture throughout time - from heart to heart. The pictures recall the warm and endless summer of childhood, conveyed in a straightforward way but with such great love, that scents and sounds unconsciously become part of the experience. Ole Kortzau's imagery springs from a curious and humorous mind, given free to capture the beauty of nature and life.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.