Colorful crabs ll illustrated by Louis Renard. His outlandishly colorful and surreal illustrations of East Indies marine life, from his book “Histoire naturelle des plus rares curiositez de la mer des Indes” (1754), opened up a new world of inspiration for both the arts and the scientific world. These breathtaking antique drawings are the result of his imitation of other artists to create 460 hand colored copper engravings. Look out for magical symbols in the details of these beautiful sea creatures.
Louis Renard

Colorful crabs ll

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Colorful crabs ll illustrated by Louis Renard. His outlandishly colorful and surreal illustrations of East Indies marine life, from his book “Histoire naturelle des plus rares curiositez de la mer des Indes” (1754), opened up a new world of inspiration for both the arts and the scientific world. These breathtaking antique drawings are the result of his imitation of other artists to create 460 hand colored copper engravings. Look out for magical symbols in the details of these beautiful sea creatures.
Colorful crabs ll

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