Photographer Nicole Mason has always had a kinship with nature. During her childhood, growing up in a small town near the border of New York and Canada, she developed a profound connection with the natural world that continues to influence her today. Exploring the world as a child, her barefoot adventures in the woods and along creeks and bundled-up excursions through winter storms instilled in her an appreciation for the beauty and resilience of nature, a theme that fills much of her photography.
The Poster Club x Nicole Mason

Desert Mirage

Expédition neutre en carbone avec Shopify Planet
Expédition neutre en carbone pour toutes les commandes
Photographer Nicole Mason has always had a kinship with nature. During her childhood, growing up in a small town near the border of New York and Canada, she developed a profound connection with the natural world that continues to influence her today. Exploring the world as a child, her barefoot adventures in the woods and along creeks and bundled-up excursions through winter storms instilled in her an appreciation for the beauty and resilience of nature, a theme that fills much of her photography.
Desert Mirage

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