The series "Colorverse" is an exploration of the expressive power of color in conveying and evoking emotion. Each art piece within this series begins with a single base color, which serves as the foundation for capturing the essence of an emotion from which subsequent layers emerge and evolve. By incorporating text, the series takes a light-hearted approach to encourage viewers to interpret and connect with the portrayed emotions while refraining from labeling them.
Pina Laux

Colorverse #3

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The series "Colorverse" is an exploration of the expressive power of color in conveying and evoking emotion. Each art piece within this series begins with a single base color, which serves as the foundation for capturing the essence of an emotion from which subsequent layers emerge and evolve. By incorporating text, the series takes a light-hearted approach to encourage viewers to interpret and connect with the portrayed emotions while refraining from labeling them.
Colorverse #3
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100% in-house production