Maja Tomljanovic's "Who Run the World" is a powerful portrait celebrating feminist ideals. The poster features women of different races and looks standing strong, shirtless and unapologetic. Available in A5, A4, A3, 30x40cm, 40x50cm, 70x50cm, 70x100cm, and 100x140cm, the poster is a bold statement of women's power and resilience. The shades of blue, rose, red, yellow, and white add depth and vibrancy to the image, making it a perfect addition to any collection celebrating the female body and the strength of women.
Maja Tomljanovic

Who run the world

149,00 kr
149,00 kr
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Maja Tomljanovic's "Who Run the World" is a powerful portrait celebrating feminist ideals. The poster features women of different races and looks standing strong, shirtless and unapologetic. Available in A5, A4, A3, 30x40cm, 40x50cm, 70x50cm, 70x100cm, and 100x140cm, the poster is a bold statement of women's power and resilience. The shades of blue, rose, red, yellow, and white add depth and vibrancy to the image, making it a perfect addition to any collection celebrating the female body and the strength of women.
Who run the world

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