Pernille Folcarelli

Pernille Folcarelli ist der Designer und Gründer der 2013 gegründeten Marke.

Nach mehreren Jahren als freiberufliche Designerin und Stylistin beschloss Pernille Folcarelli, auf der Grundlage ihrer Grafiken und Drucke ein eigenes Designstudio zu gründen. Das Designstudio und die Werkstatt befinden sich in der Nähe der Natur, 40 Autominuten nördlich von Kopenhagen.

Seit 2013 ist die Nachfrage nach Designs und Produkten von Pernille Folcarellis gestiegen, und die Marke ist jetzt in Geschäften und Designgeschäften weltweit vertreten..


Pernille Folcarelli hat einen Master-Abschluss in Textildesign von der Königlich Dänischen Akademie der bildenden Künste der School of Design in Kopenhagen.

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Lunaria White — Art print by Pernille Folcarelli from Poster & Frame
100x140 A4 A3 A2 70x100 50x70 40x50 30x40
Pernille Folcarelli
Lunaria Weiß
ab 149,00 kr
Available in 8 sizes

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Feather Rosewood — Art print by Pernille Folcarelli from Poster & Frame
A3 A2 70x100 50x70 40x50 30x40 100x140 A4
Pernille Folcarelli
Feder Palisander
ab 149,00 kr
Available in 8 sizes

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Feather Dark Rosewood — Art print by Pernille Folcarelli from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 70x100 50x70 40x50 30x40 100x140
Pernille Folcarelli
Available in 8 sizes

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Algae Seagreen — Art print by Pernille Folcarelli from Poster & Frame
A4 A3 A2 70x100 50x70 40x50 30x40 100x140
Pernille Folcarelli
Algen Seegrün
ab 149,00 kr
Available in 8 sizes
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Pernille Folcarelli

Pernille Folcarelli is the designer and founder of the brand, established in 2013.

After several years of work as a freelance designer and stylist, Pernille Folcarelli decided to establish her own design studio, based on her graphic artwork and prints. The design studio and workshop are located close to nature, 40 minutes' drive North of Copenhagen.

Since 2013, the demand for Pernille Folcarelli´s designs and products has grown, and the brand is now represented in stores and design shops worldwide. Pernille Folcarelli holds a master's degree in Textile Design from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design, Copenhagen.

About Poster & Frame

Poster & Frame sells exclusive posters created by our talented artists, who are photographers, designers, painters, and illustrators. We have a production with a sustainable mindset and print only for the individual order - thus our production is Print-on-demand. We offer posters in all sizes, from A4, A3 to 50x70cm, 70x100cm and 100x140cm. In addition, we frame all orders in handmade quality frames from Italy. We support the original poster art and pay royalties to all our artists - buy your art right at Poster & Frame.