Lotta and her family live in a yellow house on Potmaker Street. But their Dad says that even if pot-makers lived there in the past only troublemakers live there now. Lotta grows up in a small idyllic middle-class town during the 1950s. The three siblings have fun almost all the time, despite their youngest sister Lotta being as stubborn as an old mule according to Dad. Lotta has so very many ideas and she’s pretty sure that she knows how to do most things in the world. Like any 4-5 year old she’s headstrong, often cross, fearless, sure of herself and cheeky. But most of all ahe’s a happy kid. Kind, generous and resourceful – she often solves her familys problems on her own. Lotta on Troublemaker Street is one of Astrid Lindgren's most beloved stories, illustrated by Ilon Wikland. We are very proud to be able to present their collaboration at Poster & Frame.
Astrid Lindgren

Birthday Table - Lotta

760,00 kr
760,00 kr
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Lotta and her family live in a yellow house on Potmaker Street. But their Dad says that even if pot-makers lived there in the past only troublemakers live there now. Lotta grows up in a small idyllic middle-class town during the 1950s. The three siblings have fun almost all the time, despite their youngest sister Lotta being as stubborn as an old mule according to Dad. Lotta has so very many ideas and she’s pretty sure that she knows how to do most things in the world. Like any 4-5 year old she’s headstrong, often cross, fearless, sure of herself and cheeky. But most of all ahe’s a happy kid. Kind, generous and resourceful – she often solves her familys problems on her own. Lotta on Troublemaker Street is one of Astrid Lindgren's most beloved stories, illustrated by Ilon Wikland. We are very proud to be able to present their collaboration at Poster & Frame.
Birthday Table - Lotta

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