Laura Short’s work combines the timeless charm of analogue photography with an affinity for natural and historical settings. Based in Aarhus, Denmark, with roots in England and the Netherlands, Laura’s work balances nostalgia with a fresh perspective, capturing life’s fleeting, intimate moments. Her images often centre on scenes that feel like paused moments: a breakfast recently enjoyed or freshly washed dishes. Another recurring motive is the century-old art of topiary, a tradition dating back to the romans. Nature also finds a steady presence in her work; Laura is drawn to verdant landscapes, especially lush gardens, and trees she describes as wrapping around you “like a warm scarf in winter.”
The Poster Club x Laura Short

Morning Sun

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Laura Short’s work combines the timeless charm of analogue photography with an affinity for natural and historical settings. Based in Aarhus, Denmark, with roots in England and the Netherlands, Laura’s work balances nostalgia with a fresh perspective, capturing life’s fleeting, intimate moments. Her images often centre on scenes that feel like paused moments: a breakfast recently enjoyed or freshly washed dishes. Another recurring motive is the century-old art of topiary, a tradition dating back to the romans. Nature also finds a steady presence in her work; Laura is drawn to verdant landscapes, especially lush gardens, and trees she describes as wrapping around you “like a warm scarf in winter.”
Morning Sun

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