The night Ronja is born a thunderstorm rages. Lightning strikes the Robbers’ fortress and cleaves it in two. Ronja’s life begins on an extra¬ordinary night, and she grows up to become an equally extraordinary girl. A girl who’s the apple of her father’s eye, but who also challenges him, and a girl who chooses friendship over family rivalry. Ronja explo¬res the deep forests, lakes, mountains, and forest glades. She’s drawn to wilderness and adventure. Living in harmony with animals and nature, she seldom has reason to be frightened. Ronja’s mother is a wise and strong woman who entrusts her daughter with the freedom to figure out her own morals and sense of right and wrong. Ronja is compassi¬onate, just, and brave if something isn’t right, she’ll speak up even if it leads to conflict with those closest around her.Ronja the Robbers Daughter is one of Astrid Lindgren's most beloved stories, illustrated by Ilon Wikland. We are very proud to be able to present their collaboration at Poster & Frame
Astrid Lindgren

In The Woods - Ronja The Robbers Daughter

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The night Ronja is born a thunderstorm rages. Lightning strikes the Robbers’ fortress and cleaves it in two. Ronja’s life begins on an extra¬ordinary night, and she grows up to become an equally extraordinary girl. A girl who’s the apple of her father’s eye, but who also challenges him, and a girl who chooses friendship over family rivalry. Ronja explo¬res the deep forests, lakes, mountains, and forest glades. She’s drawn to wilderness and adventure. Living in harmony with animals and nature, she seldom has reason to be frightened. Ronja’s mother is a wise and strong woman who entrusts her daughter with the freedom to figure out her own morals and sense of right and wrong. Ronja is compassi¬onate, just, and brave if something isn’t right, she’ll speak up even if it leads to conflict with those closest around her.Ronja the Robbers Daughter is one of Astrid Lindgren's most beloved stories, illustrated by Ilon Wikland. We are very proud to be able to present their collaboration at Poster & Frame
In The Woods - Ronja The Robbers Daughter

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