Poppykalas and the magical flowers

A visual and hyper-sensory collection about being a human in close connection with nature and flowers. 

All pictures are from the immersive coffee table book ‘Poppykalas and the magical flowers’ written by Thilde Maria Haukohl Kristensen aka. Poppykalas with photos by talented Sarah Buthmann. 

Throughout a year and changing seasons, you can follow Thildes experiments from the wild wildflowers to sumptuous flower compositions of her farm at Møn. 

Thilde is expressing herself through the language of flowers and finding pauses, meaning and beauty in nature. It is her story about setting her inner child free and finding peace in the flowers that have always been here. 


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Poppykalas and the magical flowers

A visual and hyper-sensory collection about being a human in close connection with nature and flowers. 

All pictures are from the immersive coffee table book ‘Poppykalas and the magical flowers’ written by Thilde Maria Haukohl Kristensen aka. Poppykalas with photos by talented Sarah Buthmann. 

Throughout a year and changing seasons, you can follow Thildes experiments from the wild wildflowers to sumptuous flower compositions of her farm at Møn. 

Thilde is expressing herself through the language of flowers and finding pauses, meaning and beauty in nature. It is her story about setting her inner child free and finding peace in the flowers that have always been here. 

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